PRINT! was a survey of historical and contemporary Printmaking routed in Cornwall. With over 60 international to graduate artists exhibiting at the Exchange Gallery, Penzance with a 12 week rolling programme of residencies, symposiums and talks within an fully active print workshop in the heart of the show. With 7 Complimentary local shows in the commercial galleries and museums and a 2 week research residency at Falmouth University for invited artists to experiment and share ideas on collaboration, new languages and curatorial models. All co Curated with Artist Bernard Irwin in 2011.

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Poster Image , detail by Matthew Benington of etching 6 x 12 “ approx

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‘ Artist’s Books’ includes Ian McKeever, Hilda Quick and back wall includes, Patrick Heron, Alan Davie, Paul Neagu, Terry Frost, Stanley Jones ,Mark Surridge, Michael Rees, Naomi Frears, Faile collective, Rachel Kantaris, Anthony Frost.

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Artists include Ian Mc Keever, Susan Kinley, ( Floor) Steven Paige and Lloyd Durling

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Artist’s Include George Shaw, Hamish Fulton Alfred Hartley, Joseph Turner, John Hilliard

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Funded by Heritage Lottery Fund and supported by Falmouth Museum and Gallery, Penlee Museum and the Hugh Stoneman Archive with their expertise and loans from their collections.

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‘TaAP collective, Resident artists, Richard Ballinger, Sam Bassett, Chris Priest, Jesse L Smith

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Symposium weekend . Etching demo by John Howard and Becky Haughton

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A4 Print competition, Curated and organised by Pat King

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Resident artist Peter Fox

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Artists - photo etching by Roger Mayne made with Hugh Stoneman, Elizabeth Forbes far right and Becky Haughton, middle . Poppy Jones - far distance

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Artists include Faile Collective , TaAP, Peter Fox and Gemma Anderson- far left

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Artists in Residence , Alex Higlett and Georgina Hounsome

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Workshop with wall piece by Cesar Calica